Disclosure Statement

Cozyambiance.com is a blog about home decor ideas and home decor accessories. Follow Cozyambiance’s stories, thoughts, and beautiful photos.

While Cozyambiance.com may accept compensation and/or product for sponsored posts, reviews, and advertising, all opinions are that of Abdullah Ahmad. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made in this blog.

Affiliate links are used through Cozyambiance.com which may result in monetary gain from clicks/purchases made by linking to outside sources. Only links to products and services Abdullah Ahmad would personally use are included.

All images and content belong to Abdullah Ahmad, unless otherwise noted.

Permission must be granted for republishing any content which appears on Cozyambiance.com, by Abdullah Ahmad. If you’d like to use a photo from Cozyambiance.com, you must provide a link back to our site.

Abdullah Ahmad is not responsible for the content or opinions shared on blogs and websites referenced throughout Cozyambiance.com